Saturday, February 13, 2010

How a Guest Post opened new doors and opportunities

Recently I had the opportunity to pen an article for Mike Volpe, VP of Marketing at HubSpot.   I penned an article on story-telling, which prompted a lot of comments, but some interesting ones too.  And it really fleshed out my thoughts.  Before I share my new connections and insights, I need to make one strong recommendation:

If you’re thinking of doing a guest post for a hot company like HubSpot, get cracking now.  There’s no time like the present.

First, my article prompted discussions from many but one person who connected with me really caught my interest.  Michael Margolis is an expert in corporate story-telling and he shared a link to his great eBook called Believe Me: A Story Telling Manifesto. I highly recommend you download and read it.

As I told Michael, I consider story-telling to be the Holy Grail of marketing.  Like the Holy Grail, many think it a figment of their imagination.   But like the Grail, it is the most powerful marketing weapon a company can wield.

Story-telling is so important, I intend to keep writing about it.  So stay tuned as I share ideas from the very best minds in Marketing.

Jeff is the President of Find New Customers “Lead Generation Made Simple” who has turned the website into the best source of free information on lead generation anywhere.  His white paper, How to Find New Customers, has become the Bible of demand generation for many firms.


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