Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A "Breath of Fresh Air" Regarding Social Media BS!

A read a wonderfully entertaining post today by Amber Naslund of AltitudeBranding.com. BTW, it was written on Feb 11th, and because of a restful Valentine’s weekend, I am just getting to my “Human Aggregators” suggestions!

The Gist of this post was “Come on, let’s get real about Social Media”, or at least that’s what I got out of it. Go read it! Here are my favorite excerpts, amongst so many great points…

“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.

Loosely translated: majority isn’t truth. Just because “everyone” is doing it doesn’t mean it’s great. Conversely, just because you’re being the perpetual contrarian doesn’t mean you’re any smarter than the rest, you’re just joining the complaint flock. It takes courage and thought to go against the grain, illustrate a new approach, own it, and take actual risks in execution, not just on paper.

Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.

We don’t need a bunch of internet famous people and a confluence of empty personal brands. We need people that do good work and make a difference to the people in their universe, whether on a business or personal level.

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

We need more clarity, accountability, and translation of social media into terms that everyone can relate to. Enough with the buzzwords and lingo already. “Joining the conversation” doesn’t explain anything.

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.

Teaching and guiding adoption of social media can be an arduous task. But forcing too many rules without context and understanding is a recipe for resistance and resentment. And dragging people unwillingly into the social web before they’re truly culturally equipped will undoubtedly end in failure. Understanding new concepts and ideas takes time, patience, and the willingness of some to make small strides instead of huge leaps.”

I would translate my impression for you, but I think the comment I left on the Blog, regarding this post, says it all…

This was just an incredible post! Bravo for saying what so many of us, trying to figure this whole thing out, are thinking. I am almost ashamed I didn’t say it 1st, though I am not sure I could have done it with such elegance. This industry (Real Estate) is being over-run with career chasers, trying so hard to carve out a position as an expert, thereby creating a need for them as a “Social Media Director” or some other goofy title, that we are forgetting to help the 92% of The Realtors & Brokers who are so very confused about what SM, The Web, Blog, ect… can do for their business. They are chasing an answer out of desperation. Let’s just stop BS’ing everyone, and just work on teaching the community what this, very special, opportunity is and how it works. Then, after we have spent a little more than a year learning it, we can start to find the true “Experts”. I am guessing, we will find them amongst the traditional Marketing “Gurus”, because Marketing is Marketing, this is just a new pool to swim in!

Thanks again for a brilliant look at reality!

Stay Blogging My Friends!

The Coach

[Via http://therealestatecoach.wordpress.com]

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