Saturday, October 31, 2009

Heart-shaped chocolates and buns of gouda

It occurred to me while reading the Sunday newspaper recently that the stuff in the ads and the stuff in the editorials don’t jibe. This is blatantly evident at any time of year, not just Christmas. The tinsel won’t be off the living room floor before we’ll be greeted at every turn of a page and every store-front with smiling Victoria’s Secret models tempting us with heart-shaped chocolates and grapefruit sized bottoms.

Next, it will be green thongs for St. Patrick’s day, exemplars of the runway offering Easter finery, size 2 and under of course, followed by a couple of months worth of string bikinis.

The complimentary side of the coin is an endless barrage of TV presentations featuring early middle aged machismos who, but for the grace of Viagra, would be mere helpless noodles. If all it takes to look like THAT is a little dysfunction, hell, it might be worth the inconvenience!

Meanwhile, plain brown wrappers everywhere peck out diatribes of anti-sexuality as money changes hands at warp speed in the marketplace. Women who haven’t seen size two since ninth grade, if ever, wax indignant about being sex-objects. They should be so lucky. Men who couldn’t bench-press their own shoes snort disapprovingly while secretly enjoying every tease commercial and print ad.

Like it or not, mating season is year-round for the human species. Pheromones fill the air, idealized female’s presenting carefully accentuated characteristics of sexual attractiveness, and rock-solid young males who shave before every meal and exude surplus testosterone fill the fanciful field of vision. Yet, any man who dares to ogle is a “pig” and any woman who shortsightedly purrs at the image of the handsome jocko selling the car that “turns you on” instantly falls off the moral dado in the estimation of her peers doing the same thing more discreetly.

If it is so foul, why does it take an orgasm to sell everything from a pair of living room curtains to a cheeseburger? Who’s selling and who’s buying? The answer is we all are, but we’ve developed this façade of disgust like PITA people secretly enjoying a good steak.

It’s really quite amusing when you think about it. I’ve never seen a gorgeous woman with legs all the way up to her ears complain about being pleasing to the eye, and I’ve never known a man who was offended to overhear himself being referred to as a “hunk”. On the other hand, I do notice a lot of lard butts loitering about the lingerie, and I’ve been guilty of looking at the spandex in the sporting goods store as though an intense stare would miraculously allow me to actually wear the stupid things without looking like an oversized Gouda cheese.

I think the only society ever to be successful at accepting their natural functions as healthy and downright fun were the Tahitians of Margaret Mead fame, but we “civilized” them a long time ago.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Domuz Gribi, Ergenekon, Güneydoğu ve Medya...

Şu günlerde gündemimizde üç öncelikli konu var. Domuz Gribi, Ergenekon ve Güneydoğu… Bu üç konuda olaylar geliştikçe ülke olarak hala kurumsal bir devlet olamadığını görüyoruz. Çünkü neleri, ne zaman, nasıl, niçin, ne şekilde yapacağımızı hala bilemiyoruz. Yani kurumsallık sınavımız devam ediyor. Grip mi olacağız aşı mı ? Aynı anda iki farklı savcının aynı konuyu ve belgeyi soruşturması ne kadar normal ? Güneydoğu’yu doğuya mı yoksa batıya doğru mu açıyoruz ? Birilerinin İmralı’daki kişinin gelecek seçimler de milletvekili olması için çalıştığı doğru mu ?

Bu üç konunun ortak noktası nedir ? Medya… Çünkü tüm gelişmeleri medya üzerinden özellikle de gazete mecrasından takip ediyoruz. Hem de medyanın verdiği şekliyle. Başka şansımızda yok zaten. Peki bu kadar önemli gündemlere rağmen ülkemizde gazete tirajları neden hala 4.4 milyon adet  ve artmıyor ?  Basın Reklam Platformu yeni kampanyasını şimdi yapmayacaksa  ne zaman yapacak ? Domuz Gribi, Ergenekon ve Güneydoğu konularında haberler yeni değil biliyorsunuz. Ama hala neden aynı soruları soruyor ve kafa karışıklığı yaşıyoruz. ?

Örneğin Domuz Gribi; kurumsal ve sağlıklı düşünebilen ülkelerde şu anda bizdeki kadar panik havası neden yok ?  Hürriyet’te Eyüp Can’da yazmış. Ben de somut eklemeler yapayım. Çok yakınım Amerika’da hem de Meksika sınırına yakın bir bölgede. Sürekli iletişim halindeyiz. Ama o bizden daha sakin ve temkinli. Bu Amerika’nın H1N1 virüsü karşısında kayıtsızlık ve panik arasında sakin bir yöntem izlendiğini doğruluyor. Oradaki gelişmeleri özetlerken bizimde sakinleşmemizi ve medyanın bize yansıttıkları karşısında daha sağlıklı düşünmemizi kolaylaştırıyor. Neden Sağlık Bakanlığı ilk kez bugün gazetelere bilgilendirici reklamlar vermeyi akıl ediyor ?  Neden reklamların üzerinde aşı ile ilgili bilgi yok ? Medya mensupları neden hala her önüne gelen uzmana  aşı olacak mıyız diye soruyor ? Grip yayılana kadar  kararsız kalanlar, aşıların gelmesiyle hem de sağlık bakanlığı ile birlikte neden harekete geçtiler ? Ama ne hareket geçmek. Kamuoyunda panik havası estirecek kadar. Ailelere çocuklarını okula göndermemelerini sağlayacak, sıvı sabun ve alkollü mendil satışlarını bir hafta da patlatacak kadar. Önce aşıları sağlık personeline yapacaklarmış biliyorsunuz. Acaba rica etsek sonra da bizim medya mensuplarına yaparlar mı ? Bu şeklide kaç kişi yaptığı haberin ve yorumun arkasında durduğunu da öğrenmiş oluruz.

Sonra şu meşhur Ergenekon davamıza gelince. Belge sahte mi değil mi ? İmza yaş mı, kuru mu ? Neden 4,5 ay beklendi ? Belgeyi sızdıran kim ? Hükümet gündemi saptırarak nereye gidiyor ? Belgeye kağıt parçası ve komplo diyen medya mensupları da neden birer birer özür yazıları yazıyor ? Üçüncü kez zor durumda kalan Genel Kurmay Başkanımız  neden hala suskunluğunu koruyor ?  Acaba ne yapacak ? İstifa mı edecek yoksa başka kurbanlar mı verecek ?  Yoksa hiç bir bakanın veya Başbakan’ın istifa etmediği bir ülkede o da sonuna kadar görev de mi kalacak ?

Güneydoğu’nun sonunda açılımı yapıldı ?  Bu muydu açılım ? Diyarbakır da 100 bin kişi nasıl toplandı ? Organizasyonu kim-ler  yaptı ? MHP lideri gençleri sokağa dökmeye mi çalışıyor ?  Neden İmralı’ya deniz yoluyla yüzbin kişi de biz topla-ya-mıyoruz ? Binlerce şehitimize, milyarlarca dolarımıza ve 24 yılımıza mal olan bu sorunumuzun yeni açılımı konusunda acaba Kurtuluş Savaşımız öncesinde o bölgeyi paylaşan ülkeler ne diyor ? Amerika PKK’nın banka hesaplarına koyarken neden bu kadar geçikti ? Bu konuda niçin bize destek oluyor ? Avrupa neden açılıma ılımlı ?

Bu soruları çoğaltmak mümkün ? Yanlış anlamayın bunlar medyadan çok sokaktaki vatandaşın soruları ? Diyeceksiniz ki medyamız ne iş yapıyor ? Bu sorular daha önceden ilgili kişilere sorularak cevapları bulunamaz mıydı ? Mahalle muhabbeti yaptığını itiraf eden medyamız, kendi problemleri ile uğraşmaktan toplumsal refleksleri zayıflamış görünüyor. Yoksa hala bu kadar neden kafamız karışık olsun değil mi ?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Timeless PR Advice From Media Guru Dick Jones

Note:  Dick Jones is one of the most experienced experts in the higher ed communication world.  He’s also a friend and colleague who’s helped Mansfield University land stories and features in everything from The Chronicle of Higher Ed, The New York Times and USA Today to numerous AP stories and a couple prime spots on NPR. So when he sends a missive to his clients, I pay attention.  I also asked him if I could use his letter as a guest blog post.

Here it is.

It’s time to oversimplify; to be glib and shallow. Why, after all, should I be different from anyone else? In national media relations for colleges there are five over-simplistic formulae that guide our work. These are:

Results: good.

Process: bad.

Advice: good.

Qualitative judgments: bad.

Events: maybe, but probably not.

The news media like stories with results. A study published in a journal qualifies. So does a new book, if you discuss the substance of the book and not just the fact that there is a new book. Numbers help. Admission applications are up by X. Deposits are up by Y.

The news media usually yawn at process. The faculty is debating a new core curriculum? Wake me when it’s over. A task force has been appointed? Call me when they have a report. We’ve received an NSF grant. Remind me about it when you’ve completed the research.

The news media like advice from experts. And all faculty and staff are experts in their fields. If they aren’t, why do you allow them to teach and serve students who are paying for the privilege? Take every opportunity to make your institution advice giver to the world.

The news media aren’t interested in qualitative judgments. Your college has a better freshman year experience than your competitors? Maybe so, but your competitors claim otherwise. And the news media have neither the time nor the inclination to dig deeply enough to settle the question. Now if you are the biggest, the smallest, the oldest, the newest—something that can be quantified—that’s different. (Tip: use advice stories to advance qualitative claims. “Here are four things students and parents should look for in a good freshman experience program, says Dean of Students Joe Blow.”)

The news media are less interested in covering or publicizing events than you think. This was always true. Now that there are fewer people in newsrooms it is even truer. Getting coverage for (positive) news events is no slam dunk even if the president and the deans think otherwise. Under exceptions see “football teams—undefeated.”

Armed with these concepts you are now ready to go into any meeting with faculty and administrators and quickly make yourself persona non grata when you spout them. I’m just kidding. Sort of.

Postscript: Social media is maturing quickly and these rules apply to these media as well.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How can you think inside the box?

If you have ever attended one of my sessions you know I am very passionate about helping businesses make it happen! If you know anyone who could use over 100 ideas for finding more business and creating more opportunity I would appreciate hearing from you!!

If I hear one more creativity person say, “you’ve got to think outside the box” I am going to pop someone. I don’t know about you but I don’t have the time, money or resources to go outside the box. Heck, I can barely afford the box! The secret to moving your business or career forward in these tough and challenging times is to learn to think inside the box. Ask what can you do with what you have that will take you one step closer to your vision. My guess is that 70% of all “out of the box thinking” goes nowhere and then because we can’t do it, we do the next best thing… NOTHING!

So let me ask you, how can you think inside the box? What can you do with what you have that would make a difference?

If you are in sales, what can you do with the leads, product and customers you have? In marketing what can you do with the budget, channel and sales force you have? In customer service what can you do with the process you have? Inside the box means making do with what you have, Keeping it simple and taking baby steps that let their cumlative effect make the difference.

Many times I find we spend too much time stuck in “wishful thinking” trying to be more than we can be at the moment. In fact, according to Baha Habashy, Canadian Information Overload Guru, ( knowledge workers today are spending on average 42% of their time in “planning and reacting” meetings (which sure doesn’t leave a lot of time for the doing!). Inside the box thinking means moving forward with what you have. You don’t get anymore time, money or resources you make it work with what you have.

So what could you do to increase sales using just the things you already have? What could you do to increase customer satsifaction? Why not look all around your business and apply “in the box thinking” and see what comes out.

Now I’m not saying that there is no room for thinking outside of the box. In fact, there is great money to be made, outside the box. What I am saying is choose your battles wisely, its great to go big but don’t put all of your energy going outside the box especially when you know 70% of businesses never ever get there.

Friday, October 23, 2009

DR. WHAW? - October 23, 2009

And so another week ends!  I am sad to say that I will not be traveling to the University of Minnesota to visit my little sister, who is a freshman.  I’ve been feeling kind of lousy, and I felt it wasn’t safe to drive for 12 hours this weekend.  So I shall be catching up on my blog (get pumped, readers!) and getting my life organized.  I’m jet-setting off to Sydney, Australia, in two weeks, and I could not be more excited or more unprepared!  In the meantime, I bring you what I Didn’t Read While Hard At Work today!

DR. WHAW? – October 23, 2009

1. Social Media: The Need For Measurement from SEO Book — You know why I’m including this one without even clicking the link, right?  Any article that argues for the need of measurement in social media or any other medium is a must-read in my book.  So why this one in particular?  This one is thorough, and I think that with slight tweaking it could be something you show directly to a boss who needs serious convincing.  Do you agree?

2. Explaining (Some of) Google’s Algorithm with Pretty Charts & Math Stuff from SEOmozBlog — Ever wondered how Google works?  I certainly have.  This is a very thorough and straight-forward explanation of how Google works, and this information could help you to write  content that will rank higher on Google’s search pages. Interested?  You should be!

3. “Listening” graphics have a long way to go by Mark Schaefer — I’m all about measurement, but I have never claimed that the current methods or metrics are perfect.  I love that Mark Schaefer took the time to analyze what is currently available to demonstrate what we still need.

4. How Google Analytics just got a lot more powerful by Guy Kawasaki — Google Analytics recently announced a whole slew of new services, and this is a great explanation of what this means and why you should be paying attention.  He says who cares about Google Wave when there’s more to Google Analytics.  Your interest should be piqued and rightly so.

5. Social Networking ROI by Greg Gianforte — Wow!  An examination of the ROI of social networking, I love it!  I’ve not seen this before, and I’m happy to see that someone is taking a look at this.  There is no real mathematic backing here, but there is some great theoretical suggestions as to how to measure the ROI of social networking.

6. Coke Weighs in on Earned Media ROI by Carol Kruse — Another big WOW!  A major corporation has weighed in on ROI, and I can’t get enough!  I’m happy to see a big player recognizing the importance of ROI and hope it will show other corporations that they need to be measuring, too.  There’s also just some plain good insight, which is worth a read in and of itself.

7. Top 10 brand and marketing trends for 2010 by Robert Passikoff — This is a great look at what might lie ahead.  I strongly urge you to read through these and think about them seriously.  Do you think this is right?  What would you include or exclude?  It’s always important to be looking to the future, and this is a great start to what should be a broad conversation.  Weigh in!

Thank goodness it’s Friday, eh?  I’m happy to be relaxing and spending some time checking things off my to-do list this weekend.  Also, I’ll be happy to sleep in and get really better.  What are your plans for the weekend?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Costuma ler autores portugueses?
Alguns, aqueles de que gosto.

Em Portugal há dois autores que vendem muitos livros, Miguel Sousa Tavares e José Rodrigues dos Santos, que aliás têm em comum consigo o trabalho na área da informação [José Saramago foi director adjunto do Diário de Notícias]. Ambos acabam de apresentar as suas mais recentes obras. Já leu algum livro deles? Considera-os como autores…
[Interrompendo] Como poderia não os considerar como autores se eles o são?

Como autores de uma literatura maior…
Bem, essa discussão sobre o que deveria ser ou poderia ser uma literatura maior também nos levaria longe. Mas como eu não li realmente nenhum deles não posso ser efectivo juiz nesta matéria. Em todo o caso, não diria nunca que esses livros não têm méritos literários. Como não os li não posso confirmá-lo, mas não tenho dúvidas de que se possam encontrar ali méritos literários. Aquilo de que eu não gosto, e tenho direito a isso, é a operação de marketing, que essa não tem nada a ver com literatura. O que digo é que a forma de lançar os autores, estes autores, obedece a um marketing implacável.

José Saramago ao DN em 28 de Outubro de 2007

Aprecio muito a escrita do Nobel da Literatura português. Li um número considerável de livros da vasta obra já editada. Ao mesmo tempo que arrebata com as palavras, que encanta com o ritmo e cadência de leitura, Saramago foi sempre um escritor altivo, distante, provocador, atributos que de uma forma ou outra ajudam sempre a vender livros.
O inesperado foi esta aparente jogada de marketing que está prestes a esgotar a primeira edição do mais recente livro, Caim, colocou toda a gente a discutir as declarações da conferência de apresentação e a passar completamente ao lado da obra.
Além de não necessitar, José Saramago à luz das declarações ao DN em 2007, parece relativizar a expressão “manual de maus costumes”.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sale: Shea Butter . . . prevent stretch marks

We received a great email and testmonial from one of our customers.  dirig her recent pregnancy she used Travertine Spa shea butter to help prevent stretch marks.

She sent us the following quote, “I made it through my entire pregnancy without a single stretch mark on my belly. My secret? Travertine Spa’s Shea Butter Cream – I only trust my tummy with Travertine!” –Peggy L. California

She even sent a picture…see below

The Wonders of Shea Butter
New Uses
From the Karite trees of West Africa, shea butter is known as one of the world’s best natural ingredients for moisture and skin restoration.  Our shea butter was marketed as a Hand and Nail Cream and formulated for deep moisture therapy on dry hands and feet.

We did not consider stretch marks. . .

Then we received the following photo and Testimonial from Peggy.

“I made it through my entire pregnancy without a single stretch mark on my belly. My secret? Travertine Spa’s Shea Butter Cream – I only trust my tummy with Travertine!” –Peggy L. California

Shea Butter Promotion

Our Shea butter is the most luxurious product in the Moisture Therapy line. Ultra rich and creamy. Made with natural shea butter. Concentrated, so a little goes a long way.  Perfect for dry winter skin . . . and smooth bellies.

Retail: $52

Sale: $34

Purchase via our online boutique.
Use Coupon Code


Free Shipping on orders of $75 or more.
Valid until Nov. 1, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Reseller Friendly Brochures

Channel Marketing has updated four brochures for your use: trixbox Pro, PBXtra, Phones and HUD.  These new brochures include up-to-date product specifications and information to support you on end-user calls as well as room to affix your own contact information.  They are also devoid of pricing and include limited Fonality contact information.   You can find these downloadable brochures in the Sales and Marketing folder in the reseller portal. In an effort to be kind to our environment and reduce costs, please email these as often as possible vs. distributing hard copies.

Channel Marketing has updated four brochures for your use: trixbox Pro, PBXtra, Phones and HUD.  These new brochures include up-to-date product specifications and information to support you on end-user calls as well as room to affix your own contact information.  They are also devoid of pricing and include limited Fonality contact information.  You can effort to be kind to our environment and reduce costs, please email these as often as possible vs. distributing hard copies.  You can download these brochures from the Sales and Marketing folder in the reseller portal.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dilution of Meaning

I’ve long been fascinated by the meaning of words and their origins. Awful, for example, once meant “deserving of awe” rather than a feeling of disgust or discontent. Guess originally meant to take aim. The word sophisticated used to refer to a form of corruption. What’s more intriguing is not the path these words must have taken on their journey from their origin to their present destination, but rather that they weren’t cemented to the ground in the first place. What inertia must have been around to budge these words into motion? Years, if not decades, of misuse softened their footing until our culture took them for a ride like an unwilling passenger in a mosh pit.

The same dilution is true for partnering. While it’s literal translation remains the same, the intrinsic value it carries in corporate life has become a shadow of it’s former self. Now, rather than it’s own discipline, the art of alliance development is likened to it’s better understood and easier to grasp relatives: sales and marketing.

For evidence simply go to any recruiting ( or social contact site ( and search for the word “partner”. Countless entries will appear. In Austin some 251 people currently feature the word “alliance” in their title in one fashion or another. This reminds me of the end of Sparticus when, enslaved and facing death, everyone stood and claimed they were “Sparticus”.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Les 7 vertus du bloggueur !

Bloguer n’est pas une vertu, ce ne doit pas être une contrainte mais une passion. Celle d’écrire, de communiquer, de partager et d’échanger avec d’autres sur des thèmes de prédilection. Mais après des premiers pas souvent un peu hésitants, tout bloggeur honnête qui se respecte vous dira qu’il est rapidement tombé dans l’interrogation des chiffres et des statistiques : Suis-je lu ? par qui ? pourquoi ? Comment améliorer mes stats ? …

Et parfois l’impatience domine, tant le blogguer, aidé par les beaux graphiques de son éditeur de blog préféré, aimerait voir les courbes de ses stats enfin décoller comme le ferait un bon blog de news un soir de grande nouvelle (au hasard, le décès aussi brutal qu’inattendu d’une célébrité internationale du Show Biz).
C’est bien connu, on n’écrit ni un roman ni un blog si on n’aspire pas à être lu !

Et c’est dans un blog américain que j’ai trouvé une présentation sympa sur les 7 vertus essentielles que tout bon bloggueur se doit de respecter pour atteindre le succès espéré :

- Be Grateful
- Be Humble
- Be Patient
- Be generous
- Be Brave
- Show Respect
- Be Motivating

Ces 7 vertus y sont expliquées et celle que j’ai relevée en priorité concerne précisément la patience, vertu bien banale, mais qui en matière de blog, prend tout son sens :

“Be patient : It’s not going to happen overnight : Don’t be in a hurry for big numbers…it’s better if people discover your blog after you’ve already made a lot of useful, helpful posts. That way, when new readers DO come, they’ll see that there’s a reason to come back… that you’re more than just a one-hit wonder“

Vous pensez que ces 7 vertus vous concernent ? Découvrez toute la présentation (elle est vraiment bien faite et instructive) : cliquez ici !

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Branding & marketing, 10 tendenze per il 2010

La direzione e la velocità dei valori di consumo sono degli indicatori straordinariamente precisi per identificare le tendenze future, addirittura con 12-18 mesi di anticipo rispetto alle esigenze e alle aspettative del mercato e dei consumatori. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, l’esperto di brand Robert Passikoff indica le 10 tendenze del marketing per il 2010. Tendenze che avranno conseguenze dirette per il successo – o il fallimento – delle attività di branding e gli sforzi di marketing del prossimo anno.

1) Più attenzione al vero valore
La spesa dei consumatori, anche in occasione delle vendite promozionali, continuerà ad essere orientata in base alla reale necessità di acquistare. Questo rappresenterà un serio problema per quei marchi privi di un significato autentico, siano essi di fascia alta o bassa.

2) Il brand è sempre più un sinonimo di “valore”
Ciò che dà valore a beni e servizi sarà sempre più intrinseco al marchio e a ciò che esso rappresenta. Lo stile, la qualità e l’unicità di un brand faranno sempre più la differenza.

3) Differenziazione del marchio = valore del marchio
L’unicità di un brand aumenterà la sua importanza, fintantochè elementi troppo generici continueranno ad infestare il panorama dei marchi. La consapevolezza, intesa come fattore determinante nel mercato, è un concetto ormai superato: la differenziazione sarà determinante per il successo, inteso in termini di vendite e redditività.

4) Il peso della credibilità
I valori di un marchio possono rappresentare l’identità di marca, ma devono essere credibili agli occhi del consumatore. Un marchio non può presumere di rappresentare un punto di riferimento, perchè è il consumatore a decidere: sarà più importante che mai, per una marca, avere dei parametri di autenticità che contribuiscano al processo di differenziazione del marchio e approccio al consumatore.

5) Le aspettative dei consumatori sono in crescita
Le marche faticano a tenere il passo con le aspettative dei consumatori. Ogni giorno i consumatori divorano le ultime tecnologie e innovazioni, e la loro fame aumenta sempre più. Le più abili menti del marketing individueranno e capitalizzeranno le aspettative insoddisfatte. Solo quei marchi che andranno incontro alle aspettative più forti, riusciranno a sopravvivere e prosperare.

6) Stop ai vecchi trucchetti
In seguito alla debacle finanziaria di questi ultimi dodici mesi, le persone sono più che mai consapevoli che le banche, pur proclamando grande disponibilità, riducono l’accesso al credito a famiglie e imprese. Poco affidabili anche i sempre più frequenti accoppiamenti tra brand famosi e celebrità: raramente accade che i valori delle celebrità e i valori del brand coincidano. E’ il caso della partnership tra il campione di golf Tiger Woods e Accenture, società specializzata nel management consulting.

7) Una credibilità “virale”
La possibilità di fare acquisti on-line e attraverso circuiti di distribuzione internazionali rende meno importante il più classico front-end. Una marca con la giusta credibilità può diffondersi in pochi giorni, come un virus.

Non solo passaparola
La comunità è tutto: eBay, ad esempio, ha fatto le sue fortune sulla base dei feedback dei auoi utenti. Se i consumatori considerano attendibile la community, la fiducia si estenderà al marchio. Non solo il passaparola classico, ma anche il passaparola all’interno della comunità: questo introduce l’avvento di una nuova era di customer care.

9) Prima utenti, poi acquirenti
Il Social Networking e lo scambio di informazioni al di fuori degli spazi commerciali canonici aumenteranno. Così come ci sarà un incremento dell’utilizzo di Facebook Connect da parte di alcuni brand per condividere le informazioni con amici e fan. Altre aziende diventeranno membri di Linkedin. Un recente dato, inoltre, dice che gli Utenti di Twitter si spendono più soldi su Internet rispetto a coloro che non “tweettano”.

10) impegno non è una moda: è il modo i consumatori di oggi fare affari
I guru del Marketing arriveranno ad accettare che ci sono quattro metodi di approccio col consumatore: tramite piattaforma (TV; online), contesto (Program; pagina web), messaggio (advertising, comunicazione) ed esperienza (negozio, evento). Ma vi è un solo obiettivo per il futuro, l’approccio al brand, o Brand Engagement. Ovvero il percorso con cui un marchio Brand coinvolge emozionalmente e razionalmente i suoi diversi pubblici, attraendo la loro attenzione. I professionisti del marketing si renderanno conto che un diretto approccio al marchio è praticamente impossibile utilizzando gli obsoleti modelli attitudinali.

Accogliere e seguire queste tendenze richiederà radicali cambiamenti da parte di alcune aziende. Ma al di là che un marchio si adegui o meno, il suo futuro e la sua longevità saranno determinati dal modo in cui sarà in grado di rispondere alle esigenze del mercato.

Breve história da comunicação

Muito bacana esta animação feita para uma propaganda da .

O vídeo é uma breve história da comunicação, começando lá atrás com a fumaça e chegando aos nossos dias e futuro. O vídeo é bastante curto (1min) e vale muito a pena assistir.

History of communication from DesignTV on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oferta Diplomado Comunicacion Corporativa UTPL.

Postgrado en Comunicación Corporativa - UTPL.

Estimado (a):

La Escuela de Comunicación Social de la UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA PARTICULAR DE LOJA (UTPL), pone a vuestra consideración elDIPLOMADO EN COMUNICACIÓN CORPORATIVA, que nace por la creciente necesidad de especializar profesionales en las diversas áreas de la Comunicación, ya que en la actual etapa del mundo globalizado es indispensable la construcción de un conjunto de mensajes armónicos entre los miembros de la organización y su comunidad, como forma de  crear imagen y reputación perdurables.

El Diplomado es un estudio de cuarto nivel, dirigido a periodistas, publicistas, relacionistas públicos, administradores de empresas, ingenieros comerciales y profesionales de diferentes áreas del conocimiento que reconoce en la comunicación un valor primordial en el éxito de las organizaciones.

El Diplomado se lo oferta para el período Noviembre2009-Abril2010, en la Modalidad de estudios a Distancia, con jornadas presenciales y soporte técnico.

El período de matrículas es del 1 al 30 de octubre, y lo puede hacer en cualquier centro universitario de la UTPL.

  • Del 1 al 20 con matrículas ordinarias.
  • Del 21 al 30 con matrículas extraordinarias.

La asistencia presencial mínima del estudiante a cada módulo es del 90%.

El Diplomado comprende: 6 módulos, dirigidos en su mayoría por docentes internacionales de alta calidad.

I Módulo Comunicación.

II Módulo, Relaciones Públicas.

III Módulo, Marketing.

IV Módulo, Gestión Empresarial.

V Módulo, Estrategias y Nuevas Tecnologías.

VI Módulo, Taller de Comunicación y Responsabilidad Social.

El título que se otorga es Diploma Superior en Comunicación Corporativa y su costo es de 880 dólares, valor que incluye guías didácticas y textos de apoyo, con diversos tipos de financiamiento, entre ellos:

  • Pago al contado con un 10% de descuento.
  • Pago con tarjeta de crédito diferido hasta 6 meses sin interés y hasta 24 meses con interés.
  • Crédito IECE.
  • Crédito universitario, 50 % al momento de la matrícula, 30% a 30 días y 20% restante a 60 días. (Excepto Quito y Guayaquil)
  • Ex alumnos de la UTPL, tienen un 10% de descuento.

Además al finalizar el Diplomado se debe cancelar un valor de 150 dólares por derechos de título, cuando el estudiante haya aprobado los 6 módulos.

El tiempo de duración es de 6 meses. Ofertado en 15 créditos, por lo que se califican aspectos como:

  • Participación en el Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje EVA     20%
  • Presentación de Trabajos a Distancia   30%
  • Evaluación Presencial   50%

La invitación para que forme parte de profesionales que quiere superarse está abierta, en la perspectiva de incrementar los conocimientos y las habilidades para la planeación, dirección, evaluación y administración estratégica de la organización en la que trabaja. Como también lograr habilidades de creatividad, capacidad de innovación, desarrollar competencias para diseñar la identidad corporativa y ejecutar una comunicación estratégica que conlleve a alcanzar los objetivos institucionales.

Siendo pioneros en la calidad de Educación a Distancia, les recomendamos su participación.

Así mismo si desea más información puede contactarse con Cesibel Valdiviezo al teléfono 07-2570275 ext. 2950 o a la ext. 2615 con Luisa Chocho, además puede visitar nuestra página web

Será un placer atenderle.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Céline Dion lançará disco em espanhol!

Desde quando só cantava em francês, Céline Dion já almejava mostrar sua voz em outra língua: o inglês. Desde então, teve aulas particulares, uma espécie de intensivão para deixar menos claro seu sotaque. Quando lançou seu primeiro álbum Unison em 1991, ela ainda não sabia pronunciar frases em inglês, mas aos poucos foi mostrando vontade de aprender e hoje é referência para os franceses que desejam aprender o inglês. Pois bem, anos e anos se passaram e ela também “beliscou” o japonês (versão de Be The Man) e o espanhol.

Confira o texto na íntegra:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A base da pirâmide, a internet e o e-commerce.

O poder de compra das classes CDE cresceu em cerca de R$ 143 bi nos últimos sete anos e, hoje, a base da pirâmide movimenta aproximadamente de R$620 bi por ano. Isso se deve  à estabilidade econômica do país, à redução do índice de desemprego e, principalmente, ao aumento do crédito. Para exemplificar este cenário: em 2008, foram vendidos 3 milhões de computadores a mais que televisores.

Para os consumidores de baixa renda, adquirir um computador e ter acesso a internet significa INVESTIMENTO. Significa proporcionar as ferramentas necessárias para o desenvolvimento educacional dos filhos; significa fonte de renda, já que podem prestar serviços à comunidade e cobrar por eles; significa entretenimento de baixo custo; significa , principalmente, ACESSO a algo que anteriormente somente as classes mais altas podiam ter.

Segundo o PENAD 2000,  66% dos domicílios com computadores são das classes CDE e 36% dos internautas da classe C têm banda larga. O acesso à rede aliado ao aumento da distribuição dos cartões de créditos entre os conumidores de baixa renda, proporcionou às pessoas da base da pirâmide  os meios necessários para também fazer parte do comércio eletrônico. Em números absolutos, 51% dos compradores online são das classes CDE.

Os fatores de entrave para que os consumidores de baixa renda “se lancem” mais agressivamente ao comércio eletrônico são basicamente dois: a intangibilidade da compra e o receio das fraudes. Comprar algo que não se pode tocar, atravês de um vendedor que não se pode ver e o medo de possíveis clonagens eletrônicas ainda deixam esses novos web-shoppers inseguros. Porém, à medida em que a internet se torna mais segura e que as experiências de compra se tornem mais agradáveis, é possível que o futuro do e-commerce esteja nas classes CDE.

Fonte de dados: Data Popular e PENAD

Friday, October 2, 2009

The IPC program, an opportunity to have a great job at home.

With the IPC “Independent Profit Center” program you will find that it is the opportunity that you were looking for (Having a job at home). You can do this job at home with your spouse or by yourself. They have an amazing program so easy that even a kid would be capable of doing this job at home. Every thing in this program is explained in detail in video, how to run the IPC program as well as various ways to promote the program on the internet.

debt, mortgage, car payment etc, with this program has been designed so anybody will understand the training system that give you all secret passage to the internet marketing that simply does not fail. It is 98% automated meaning it works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With this program you also receive all the deferent possibility to promote the program. I need to know how to run the IPC program as well as various ways to promote the program on the internet. Need to know before we continue, how many programs have you tried in the past to make extra money? I’m pretty sure it’s quite a few weeks, we will buy a new business to try to increase even more substantial income, now we each have a job at home).

You can do this job at home and enjoy a semi-retired life, stress-free and best of all no more alarm clocks. when does you not take fail. the It greatest will sensation explain in the world. The best thing about this is that you were looking for (Having a job at home. This is perfect for moms that want a home job or an addition income. That equals over $12,000.00 a month and $144,000.00 a year and that’s only if you have this business? The best thing about this is that it has a easy training system and be capable to succeed with the marketing.

One of the rest of your life. Get started and start living the way you are never left alone. This program is the opportunity that you were looking for (Having a job at home that you can make lots of cash just working part time on this program and have also started a new car, cash! Next on the internet. Need to know before we continue, how many programs have you tried in the world. The best thing about this is that it is the best job at home? The first step is purchasing the program. I need to know before we continue, how many programs have you tried in the past to make extra money? I’m pretty sure it’s quite a few weeks, we will buy a new home.

It’s a dream come true for both of us. I never imagined that I gave you, you should change your life would be capable to succeed with the marketing. One of the first day of the rest of your life. Get started and start living the way you want and have also started a new business to try to increase even more substantial income, now we each have a job at home with your spouse or by yourself. They have an amazing program so easy that even a kid would be like if you make 2 sales a day! That’s definitely a lot more than I was producing as an automotive technician for GM.

I’m willing to gamble that the same applies to your work. Can you visualize what your life and take the time to go see my YouTube video. These will give you all secret passage to the internet marketing that simply does not fail. It is 98% automated meaning it works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With this program you will notice with this program is the best job at home with your spouse or by yourself. They have an amazing program so easy that even a kid would be like if you have this business? The best thing about this is that you make.

Just imagine getting 2, 3 sales every day. I’m not good at math but that equals $400.00 to $600.